“As in heaven, so in South Africa!”
Transforming South Africa by prayer
Jeremiah 29: 7
Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.
Our aim is to transform every city, town and suburb in South Africa by prayer!
If you feel God is calling you to start a Prayer Circle in your area, this page provides a step-by-step explanation on how to get going.
Does God call you for this divine assignment?
This prayer movement has been started by God and is being sustained by Him. God personally calls forth believers for the divine assignment to start and run a Prayer Circle in an area.
If you sense that the Holy Spirit is stirring your heart to start a Prayer Circle in your suburb or town, we encourage you to pray about it and ask God for confirmation.
We trust that if God called you for this important Kingdom work, He will open doors for you, send prayer warriors to join you and fill your heart with peace and joy as you proceed on this journey. We are excited to get you on board…God is changing our country by prayer, and He is asking YOU to step up into this heavenly calling!
Join the battlefield of prayer!
Potchefstroom Central Prayer Circle
Are you called to be a Prayer Circle leader?
Ideally, you should:
- Feel called by God for the position;
- Know God and have an intimate relationship with Him;
- Feel driven by a burden for the suffering and conditions of your town and country;
- Be available for every Monday evening’s Prayer Circle;
- Have some leadership skills.
If you answered YES to the points above and feel called by God to start a Prayer Circle in your town, please sign up and select “I want to start a Prayer Circle in my area”.
George, Moeggeploeg Prayer Circle
Potchefstroom Miederpark Prayer Circle
Please note:
- Once you have joined as a Prayer Circle Leader, we will register your Prayer Circle on our network and refer other believers in your area to you.
- We will also add you to the SA Prayer Circles WhatsApp group (no chats, only notifications) to enable you to receive notifications and prayer points that you can send to your group.
Step 1: Identify a park or public area in your town for the Prayer Circle
To overcome church divisions and unite believers, it is better to pray in ‘neutral’ areas that are not associated with a church or religious organization.
Step 2: Invite a few believers to join the Prayer Circle.
You can use the SA Prayer Circles Flyer to invite other believers to join your Prayer Circle. It is okey to start small – Jesus said where two or three gather in His name, He is with them (Matthew 18:20).
You can also use this standard Prayer Circle invite to invite people to the Prayer Circle: copy and paste the invite image and send it out on social media platforms. Simply add the place, time and your contact number with the invite.
Step 3: Create a communication group (e.g., a WhatsApp group)
Create a communication group (e.g., a WhatsApp group) and add the Prayer Circle members to the group. We will add you to the SA Prayer Circles WhatsApp group to enable you to receive prayer points that you can send to your group.
Step 4: Obtain permission to plant a cross in the park or area where you meet.
The cross signifies that the area has been dedicated to God. See the standard Permission Letter that you can use to approach your municipality for permission to plant a cross. Pray to God for favour!
If your municipality does not give you permission to plant a cross in a park, you can consider finding another public area where it will be allowed. Alternatively, you can make a metal plate with the words “AS IN HEAVEN, SO IN THIS TOWN” and fasten it to a tree in a park to mark the place where you get together to pray. (Gal 3:13: Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree”).
Step 5: Make a cross to plant in the park/area that you get together to pray.
See tips on How to make a cross. Add the following words to the cross: As in Heaven, so in this town, as a prophetic proclamation based on the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:10. Remember, you can start to pray before the cross has been planted!
Step 6: Get together at the cross every Monday around 18h00 to pray for your town or suburb.
- You can pray in circle, holding hands if you wish, as a symbol of unity.
- You can print the prayer points and allocate one or more to people.
- Remember to add prayer points that are specific to your area and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what to pray for. Discuss this with each other.
- Remember to praise and thank the Lord for breakthroughs and positive changes in the town.
- Encourage people to pray Scripture and God’s promises over the city.
Never miss a Prayer Circle! Stay obedient and diligent in this important prayer work. Do not give the enemy a change to operate in your town!
Even when it rains, pray with umbrellas. Your dedication sends an important message to the enemy that you will push through and win this war with Jesus!
Quick Links
Once you have one Prayer Circle up and running, you can start to grow your Prayer Circle or establish other Prayer Circles in other areas of your town.
The aim is to cover your whole city/town with prayer by having a Prayer Circle in every suburb.
Each suburb has their own challenges to pray for, and it is ideal that believers that live in an area take spiritual authority over their area and pray for God’s Kingdom to be established there.
- Invite other believers:
You can arrange to have a few minutes at cell groups, schools or churches to tell people about the Prayer Circles. At the end of the talk, have a clipboard and pen ready to write down names, cell numbers and suburbs of people who wish to join.
- Flyer
You can make use of the SA Prayer Circle Flyer to spread the word. You can send the flyer out on social media, hand them out to people or add them to notification boards.
- Activate other Prayer Circles in your town:
Meet with religious leaders in areas that you identify for a new Prayer Circle and share the Prayer Circles Vision and Mission with them. If they are willing to start a Prayer Circle in their area, invite them to your Prayer Circle to see how it is done. Assist them to get going where needed. Ensure that each Prayer Circle has an appointed Prayer Circle Leader.
- Start to coordinate the Prayer Circles in your town:
Once you have established other Prayers Circles in your town or city, your role can change to Prayer Circle Coordinator. You can start a communication group for all the Prayer Circle Leaders in your town. Get together from time to time and keep them motivated for the great work they are doing for the Kingdom! Some coordinators ask the leaders to report back to the group every Monday with the number of people that have attended their Prayer Circles, to stay updated with progress.
What is the significance of planting a CROSS in SA Prayer Circles?
✝️ It is a visible sign that the area has been dedicated to God;
✝️ It serves as spiritual proclamation that the ground where it is planted has been claimed back for Jesus;
✝️ It declares that the enemy is not welcome there, and will no longer be tolerated;
✝️ The statement, “As in Heaven, so in this city” (inscribed on the SA Prayer Circle crosses) affirms God’s will over the city/town and indicates that believers wish to bring the town in line with God’s will: Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6).
(Copy these flyers to your phone)
(Copy these flyers to your phone)
Psalm 141:2
Accept my prayer as incense offered to you, and my upraised hands as an evening offering.